Past Projects
Growing Up in Europe
Kuukulkurit ry, the association that maintains Dance Theatre Auraco and art section Artco, was a partner organisation in a two-year (2014–2016) Erasmus+ project called Growing Up in Europe. The project had 12 partners from four European countries. Its aim was to get to know the childrens’ day care systems and the education of early childhood professionals in different countries, and to create innovative working methods for professional education and training.
As part of the project, Kuukulkurit organized a three day international seminar aimed for early childhood professionals and artists who work with small children. Its themes were art in early childhood structures and the Finnish educational system and culture policy. The programme consisted of presentations, discussions and workshops. See the seminar programme.
Kuukulkurit also participated in the project’s meetings and ran workshops. Other partner organisations:
- EPL La Martellière, France
- LETP Bellevue, France
- IFTS, Association pour le développement de l’IFTS, France
- Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Turkey
- CAIA “Tara Barsei” Prejmer, Romania
- ACEPP 38-73, Association des collectifs enfants parents professionnels de I’Isère et de la Savoie, France
- Mairie de Saint Marcellin, France
- Centrul social de zi copii prejmer, Romania
- Fahri Akçakoca Anaokulu, Turkey
- Conservatoire de Voiron, France
- Serviciul Public de Administrare Creşe Braşov, Romania

Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union